西瓜视频 Full portfolio Paste thickener
paste thickener

Paste Thickener

Reliability in the most challenging applications

Paste Thickeners achieve maximized underflow density, while providing ease of operation, reliability and consistency in applications requiring a high degree of dewatering.

Maximized underflow density

Increased beaching angle at tailings deposition

Consistent performance in changing process conditions

Up to 40% reduced water usage compared to conventional thickeners

Paste Thickening

西瓜视频 and its legacy companies have already installed more than 100 Paste Thickeners worldwide. The thickener utilizes control based on consistent solids inventory to achieve and maintain the required underflow density.


The Paste Thickener is best suited to applications requiring a high degree of dewatering, such as:

  • Minerals tailings applications
  • Mine backfill
  • Pre-leach and CCD circuits

西瓜视频 is the global leader in the design, fabrication and supply of thickening and clarifying solutions with more than 50 years of experience. Our leading process expertise and know-how covers a wide range of applications with sustainability at the forefront.

Vertical load monitoring

A key feature of the Paste Thickener is Vertical Load Monitoring via SmartRake – one of the only systems in the world able to detect early formation of rotating beds. Tank mounted bed mass sensors can’t detect these loads.

By incorporating Vertical Load sensing with plant process data into the Thickener Optimizer Control system the solids inventory within the tank can be maintained at a consistent loading. The Operator now has another view of what’s happening inside the tank. This leads to more consistent underflow density and reduced downtime.


With the SmartRake system, individual hydraulic cylinders are monitored and actively adjusted to maintain alignment of the rake mechanism.

Optimizer systems


  • Harnesses the natural head difference across the feedwell wall
  • Ensures the density in the feedwell is within the optimum range for flocculation, irrespective of feed flow rate or density


  • Provides effective feed dilution scheme for alternative process requirements.
  • Uses a low head axial pump to drive dilution water into the feedwell

Thickener optimizer

  • Improves thickening performance by controlling the key variables of a thickener
  • Combines a multivariable, model-based controller with in-depth process knowledge

Case studies, blogs & webinars

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