View detailed LCS packages
Read more about the Life Cycle Services for mining in our brochure
Designing and delivering customized performance-based and sustainability solutions with strict KPIs
With a service contract in place, achieve longer life for equipment, wear parts and spares resulting in less waste.
Over 500 Life Cycle Services contracts delivering results globally
less time for shutdowns - less time spent on dangerous tasks
With our LCS packages we can help you improve your site's sustainability inititiaves as well as enhance the long-term efficiency of your operations. For example, we can help you reduce energy consumption, optimize water consumption, minimize waste and extend the lifetime of your assets. We also provide recycling solutions for parts that have reached the end of their useful life. Our Life Cycle Services can bring benefits to your operation over the life cycle of your equipment.
Catching issues early
Our inspect and protect package gives you peace of mind. Scheduled OEM inspections help prevent breakdowns and unplanned repairs, and they reduce maintenance costs. Our trained and certified technicians provide detailed reports identifying equipment condition following inspections. They can also make recommendations for maintenance actions and strategies that need to be taken, including extending or reducing maintenance intervals.
Fast and easy planned shutdowns
With our shutdown advantage package, 西瓜视频 ensures smooth, safe and successful shutdowns, performing all elements of a shutdown from start to finish. The package includes a site evaluation and shutdown planning, as well as the actual execution of the shutdown. It also includes expert analysis like Single Minute Exchange of Die (SMED) Time and Motion analysis to identify ways to improve and speed up shutdown execution.
Plan the maintenance and execute the plan
With the maintenance edge package, 西瓜视频 will manage all aspects of the maintenance process for you, including planning, execution, reporting and continuous improvement. We define the optimal maintenance strategy for each piece of equipment to minimize maintenance time and ensure reliable performance at the lowest sustainable cost. Training for your staff on OEM maintenance & operational best practices is also included. We will also optimize your inventory to ensure that the right parts are available when needed.
Amplifying your plant’s performance
Get the highest production, performance and end-product quality from your plant with our total performance package. It includes all components from the three other LCS packages, and adds elements to optimize your processes and boost asset performance. This package supports your operations from commissioning and ramp-up to years of continued operations. Our OEM process experts can conduct process benchmarking studies and simulations to evaluate your circuit performance and provide recommendations and support.