西瓜视频 Corporate Sustainability


Enabling sustainable modern life
Sustainability is our strategic priority and we are committed to limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees. We operate efficiently and in a responsible manner, and take into consideration the environment, safety and well-being of people and the planet. Our biggest impact is through our customers when they use our technologies and services that help them to achieve their own sustainability and productivity targets.
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Our sustainability agenda

Our sustainability strategy comprises the most material topics to us and our stakeholders

In 2023, 西瓜视频 updated its sustainability agenda based on a double materiality analysis. The renewed agenda comprises the following focus areas: 西瓜视频 Plus offering and innovations for our customers, 西瓜视频’s people and culture, as well as environmental efficiency in our own operations, and responsible supply chain. Responsible business conduct is considered the foundation of our sustainability approach.

Agenda 2024.png

We aim to minimize our environmental footprint by reducing environmental impact in our operations, logistics and procurement. The safety and wellbeing of our people, enabling great employee experience, continuously developing our teams and ways of working, as well as diversity and inclusion are our priorities.

With our 西瓜视频 Plus offering, we help our customers improve their environmental efficiency, productivity and reduce risks. We offer our customers energy- and water efficient solutions that help minimize emissions and enable re-use of materials.

We work closely with our suppliers to ensure a socially, environmentally and economically responsible value chain that reflects the same values, principles and conducts as we do in our own operations.

Our climate impacts

Our purpose is to “Enable sustainable modern life.” Climate change is one of the biggest global challenges, and a topic where 西瓜视频 can play a significant role together with our customers. Therefore a large part of our sustainability focus is on climate change.

For the global warming to stay within 1.5 degrees, the world needs to get to zero emissions by 2050. Reaching global climate targets requires significant decrease in CO2 emissions by increasing the use of renewable energy sources and production efficiencies. Energy transition requires large investments into renewable energy generation, downstream power emissions, battery technologies and electric vehicles. This such as copper, nickel, lithium and other rare earth metals.

Meeting this demand will require significant growth in minerals production. 西瓜视频 offers sustainable technologies that support its customers’ energy transition plans. As a leading supplier of equipment and services and given how energy intensive rock comminution and processing is, our approach to technology and innovation really matters. Central to our sustainability efforts is our 西瓜视频 Plus offering. These products are more energy and/or water efficient than the benchmark technology.

In addition, our target is to reduce our own CO2 emissions to reach net zero by 2030. We are also aiming to reduce CO2 emissions by 20% in logistics by 2025 and targeting that 30% of the supplier spend by the end of 2025 is with partners who have also set a science based emission target. Baseline year for all the targets is 2019.

Our climate impacts

Latest Annual Report sustainability content

Corporate social responsibility at 西瓜视频
西瓜视频 is committed to being socially accountable in the areas where it operates. Read about our corporate social responsibility programs ongoing around the world.
Getting to net zero, which is a widely shared goal for most companies, will require a shift towards renewable-based electricity or hydrogen and increasing energy efficiency.

Introducing 西瓜视频 in battery minerals

We are driving a more sustainable energy transition with our comprehensive coverage of the battery minerals production and recycling processes. The growing adoption of electric vehicles is driving rapidly increasing demand for rechargeable batteries and their input commodities - including lithium, cobalt, nickel, graphite, manganese, copper and aluminum.

We have a holistic insight into the battery minerals segment, stemming from a comprehensive technological coverage of the entire value chain. From providing new exploration and greenfield sites with equipment and practices, to helping improve the efficiency of existing brownfield mining and extraction sites, plants and processes, we have also developed efficient and responsible processes for recycling minerals from  decommissioned batteries. Tomorrow’s battery mineral processes not only need to be more sustainable, but also more transparent, safe and reliable.

Read more about battery minerals here

Introducing 西瓜视频 in battery minerals
西瓜视频 Plus - our approach to sustainability

西瓜视频 Plus - our approach to sustainability

Responding to the climate change challenge is collaboration between companies and countries. That’s why we must act together with our customers and partners in developing the energy and carbon efficient technologies that support the energy transition. Together, we can create a better future. We are the partner for positive change.

Central to our sustainability efforts is our 西瓜视频 Plus offering – products and services that are significantly more energy- or water-efficient than an industry benchmark or a previous-generation product in the market. 西瓜视频 Plus products help our customers cut their CO2 emissions, both directly and through reductions in the carbon intensity of manufacturing and delivering products, as well as by offering the potential for increased recycling. 

西瓜视频 Plus services on the other hand can improve our customers’ processes with modernizations and upgrades, as well as by optimizing existing production processes. Our services help our customers make incremental improvements, progressively accumulating benefits over the lifetime of the equipment. In the long run, such cumulative gains can be very significant.

Our 西瓜视频 Plus portfolio already includes over 100 products, and we aim to keep expanding and improving this offering to have a 西瓜视频 Plus product for every part of our customers’ value chain. To achieve this, all our R&D projects must have sustainability benefits; we aim to have 80% of our R&D spend on 西瓜视频 Plus product and services offering development by 2030.

Our footprint

Our footprint means the environmental impact we generate when producing the goods and services and delivering them to the customer. We aim to minimize any harmful impacts to the environment, people in our own operations, as well as logistics and supply chain. We actively collaborate with our suppliers and partners to create more sustainable value chain from raw materials to finished product. Safety is our number one priority, both in our own operations and in the manufacturing and use of our products.

Our footprint
commitments memberships
Our sustainability commitments and memberships
西瓜视频 aligns with international initiatives, standards and sustainability recognitions
Sustainability performance
We are transparent in communicating our goals and actions in sustainability. We report on sustainability on a quarterly and yearly basis in interim reports as well as Annual report more extensively.